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LV KEEPALL XS LV handbag M45947

【 Special grade MB high elastic fabric 】 KEEPALL XS handbag model: M45947 material: A+grade all steel hardware, imported high elastic fabric packaging: full set of special grade duty-free MB packaging size: 21x12x9cm

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产品名称 : LV KEEPALL XS LV handbag M45947
产品品牌 : Louis Vuitton 路易威登
产品标签 : 原单路易威登男包老花LV男包高仿LV男包原单LV男包原版LV男包


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LV bag

Exclusive Real Shot

Quality: AAAAAA level (7 stars)
The appearance is the same as the original.
Few people can recognize that it is not the original package.
The content you received is the same as the image you see here.
It comes with a serial number, authenticity card, dust bag, and maintenance manual.

【 Special grade MB high elastic fabric 】 KEEPALL XS handbag model: M45947 material: A+grade all steel hardware, imported high elastic fabric packaging: full set of special grade duty-free MB packaging size: 21x12x9cm
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【 M45947 Premium 】 More exquisite details for reference
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The top-notch high-quality grades are all made of imported specialized fabrics (processed and developed through special channels abroad), with a thick and delicate texture, a textured surface, smooth and clear transitions in patterns. It has the characteristics of wrinkle resistance, waterproofing, and wear resistance. It is extremely resistant to dirt in summer and will not burst due to low temperatures in winter. All leather goods are made by experienced leather craftsmen using carefully selected leather materials and traditional leather making methods, aiming to bring out luxurious natural substances, including highlighting the unique texture and contrast of each material, and even not hiding their innate flaws.

Imported special hardware, extremely resistant to fading, rust, oxidation, wear, chemical reagents, and smoke and burn. The raw material is brass, which has undergone multiple layers of electroplating. After long-term wear and tear, it still maintains the noble symbol of gold. The surface of the hardware is shiny, smooth, and eye-catching. Each hardware logo is laser engraved using an imported laser engraving machine, which is a symbol of identity, so it is very particular.

Imported top layer cowhide, sewn with double top layer cowhide. The top layer of cowhide is selected as the raw material for the load-bearing position of the famous brand bags, ensuring an extremely long service life of the bags. The texture of the skin is uniform, the pores are clear and visible, and after a period of use, it will slowly oxidize into a beeswax color, making it more high-end. The leather eDGe is equipped with original anti-counterfeiting thread and imported special coral red eDGe oil (lv specific properties). In addition, the unique elements and characteristics of pure leather, such as easy wrinkling, loss of color stability after friction, and changes in gloss, are not caused by poor or damaged leather quality. Pure leather has an opaque surface and has never undergone stain or waterproof treatment, allowing leather goods to maintain their natural characteristics, especially their transparency and smoothness.

The bag body is made of 6-strand stitching, with every stitch and thread being fine, and the thread is extremely even, making the bag more sturdy and durable to use. Crafted by professionally trained technicians, the entire production process is entirely handmade, with on-the-job masters having several years of manufacturing experience. Each person produces only 1-2 bags per day, and the level of craftsmanship is extremely meticulous, all because we want to create the most perfect products.

Insiders speak in their own words:
Luxury brands vary greatly in the market, with prices chaotic. Consumers are often overwhelmed by market conditions and don't know how to choose the right bag for themselves. This provides an opportunity for unscrupulous merchants to deceive consumers with sweet words. Some merchants sell their products at a level higher than A compared to the original lv, and there are even unscrupulous merchants who sell them at a level higher than A compared to the original LV! These situations happen from time to time! Why? It is precisely because consumers do not have a unified market standard and price concept as a reference that leads to this.

The products sold in our store are of superior quality compared to those of the same level on the market, and the prices are 30% -50% cheaper than the market price. Integrity management is our company philosophy and also our principle of being a good person. We have professional processing factory support behind us. Years of production experience have allowed us to accumulate and develop, and we will repay every customer who believes in us with high-quality services and products.

As a tasteful person, how could you miss out on our store with such shrewdness? Hurry up and choose a favorite handbag.

If you have any questions, please feel free to add WeChat: 1090923020 for detailed consultation


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